POSTED ON Thursday, September 06, 2007
.:: The Brink of Insanity
You know you are teetering on the edge of insanity when you know start observing randomness such as...

It takes me 141 steps, plus 42 stairs, to get from my parking space to my condo door.

Why do I need to know that? -- I don't. I guess I just found it fascinating to know what it takes to get home once I have parked. Especially since in the past I have had usually about a 10-15 step walk in from wherever I have parked.

Now bear in mind, I am not complaining. I am not lazy... well, maybe I am lazy in some ways, but I am not bothered by the walk. In fact I enjoy getting out of my car in the afternoons (or evenings now) and walking in through the complex. It relaxes me knowing that I am about to enter the "fun" zone.

I just don't understand why I was compelled to actually count out the walk today....
